01:00 Introduction
Aims of the Conference
P. Curatolo

Clinical introduction

Chairs: P. Curatolo - F. Vigevano

01:15 New DEEs - update on DEEs
S. Balestrini

01:30 Novelties in well-established DEEs
M. Trivisano

01:45 The Epilepsy autism phenotype in DEEs
V. Di Micco

02:00 Discussion

Mechanisms that potentially link epilepsy and autism in DEEs

Chairs: E. Gardella - N. Moshe

02:15 Dysregulation of GABAergic system
E. Gardella

02:30 Abnormal development of synapsis
S. Auvin

02:45 Dysregulation of mTOR and Neuroinflammation
E. Aronica

03:00 Discussion

The early use of new therapeutic options

Chairs: S. Hirose - M. Taglialatela

03:15 M. Taglialatela

03:30 N. Specchio

03:45 A. Brunklaus

04:00 Discussion

Current challenges in the diagnosis and management of patients
with DEEs and autism

Chairs: N. Specchio - J. Wilmshurst

04:15 Contribution from remote

Japan - S. Hirose

Tunisia - C. Triki

South Africa - J. Wilmshurst

Argentina - S. Tenembaum

Brazil - K. D. Valente

Turkey - H. Tekgul

China - Y. Jiang

05:45 Final remarks and toughts
N. Specchio